FAQ: ROLL PLAYER - Monsters & Minions Expansion (+ Reprint)
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

Will what I preorder come with all the stretch goals?

All copies of both the base game and expansion include all stretch goals. I don’t believe in KS exclusive content.

Last updated: August 04, 2017 09:40

How can I pledge for a copy of Roll Player by itself?

Due to the timing of the 3rd print run (largest yet) of Roll Player, we are only making Roll Player available when pledging for Roll Player: Monsters & Minions. However, Roll Player will be available in July at distributors. You can place an order through your FLGS or visit the Thunderworks Games store at http://thunderworksgames.bigcartel.com/ (US customers only).

Last updated: May 23, 2017 08:09

Will the expansion fit inside the Roll Player box?

Yes! Both the base game and the expansion will fit in the base game box, after removing the insert.

Last updated: May 23, 2017 08:09

Are either the Frogkin Promo Board or the Cursed Ring promo card available through this Kickstarter?

Frogkin – yes. Cursed Ring - no. You can add $6 to your pledge at the $39, $89, or $109 pledge level for the Frogkin Promo Board to ship in February. Alternatively, you can order the Frogkin Promo Board to ship now in the Board Game Geek store (https://boardgamegeekstore.com/products/roll-player-frogkin-promo) or the Thunderworks Games website (http://thunderworksgames.bigcartel.com/). The Cursed Ring promo card will be available later this summer.

Last updated: June 02, 2017 04:04

Will Roll Player and Roll Player: Monsters & Minions be available via distribution?


Last updated: May 23, 2017 08:39

Will there be a Pledge Manager?

Yes! This means that you will be able to add additional rewards later after this Kickstarter campaign ends, as long as you back the Kickstarter for any amount.

Last updated: May 31, 2017 04:01

What is the MSRP for Roll Player: Monsters & Minions?

We anticipate the MSRP will be $49.95 USD.

Last updated: May 31, 2017 04:01

Who is PieceKeeper Games?

PieceKeeper Games is another small tabletop game publisher in Madison, WI run by Kirk and Emily Dennison. Kirk is good friends with Keith and is helping with various parts of this campaign, such as responding to comments and coordinating logistics. For more about their games, check out www.piecekeepergames.com and subscribe to their newsletter.

Last updated: May 31, 2017 04:01

Are there any changes to the base game between previous printings and this one?

There were a few very minor changes between printings 1 and 2. All future printings will be identical to printing 2. The changes are:

1) Changed the box front to say 1-4 players instead of 2-4. 2) Fixed a small print error over the dwarf’s head on the outside of the box bottom. Previously you can see the halfling’s head behind him. 3) Added a sticker to the outside shrinkwrap with the Dice Tower Seal of Excellence on it.

Last updated: May 31, 2017 04:01

Why does it cost $20 more to pledge to receive Roll Player by itself in July?

Since the 3rd printing of Roll Player will arrive in July (well in advance of the expansion), we are shipping it from our warehouse separately and this is much more expensive than shipping Roll Player and the expansion together in February. We are happy for you to order Roll Player through your FLGS of choice and not have to pay extra shipping.

Last updated: May 31, 2017 04:01

Shipping Updates
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!
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BackerKit is a service that crowdfunded project creators use to keep track of hundreds to tens of thousands of backers—from shipping details, pledge levels, preferences and quantities, whether they have paid or had their card declined, special notes, and everything in between!

The BackerKit software and support team is independent from the campaign’s project team—BackerKit does not handle the actual reward shipping. For more information about the preparation or delivery status of your rewards, please check the project's updates page.

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The most common reasons for not receiving a survey email is that you may be checking an email inbox different from the email address you used to sign up with Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account, or it may be caught in your spam filter.

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To resend the survey to yourself, visit the project page and input the email address associated with your Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account.

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BackerKit allows you to update your shipping address until the shipping addresses are locked by the project creator. To update your address, go back to your BackerKit survey by inputting your email here.

When will my order be shipped, charged or locked?

That is handled directly by the project creator. BackerKit functions independently of the project itself, so we do not have control of their physical shipping timeline. If you want to check on the project’s status, we recommend reading over the project's updates page.

I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?

As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.

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