
ROLL PLAYER - Monsters & Minions Expansion (+ Reprint)

Created by Keith Matejka

Roll Player: Monsters & Minions is an exciting new expansion to the critically acclaimed Roll Player -- the dice game that builds character!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Cartographers Kickstarter Project Live on KS!
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Oct 10, 2020 at 06:04:23 AM

Hey team,

I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to drop a line and let you know we launched a new Kickstarter project this week for the followup to Cartographers as well as 3 new map pack expansions -- Cartographers Heroes.  Check it out!

Click to see view the KS project!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Till next time.


2 Hours left on the Fiends & Familiars KS Campaign
about 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 08:57:57 PM

Hey team,

Quick update on the RP: Fiends & Familiars Kickstarter campaign. Check it out, if you're not already onboard!

  • 2 Hours Left!
  • Over 1200% Funded!
  • 25 Stretch Goals Unlocked!

Till next time.


New Roll Player Expansion on Kickstarter!
about 5 years ago – Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 01:25:38 AM

Hey Roll Player fans,

I wanted to give a quick head's up that the new expansion for Roll Player is live on Kickstarter NOW -- Roll Player: Fiends & Familiars.  We're almost 500% funded and kicking down those stretch goal, including fan-submitted ideas like we did on the Monsters campaign. Come check it out. :)

Some of the cool new stuff:

  • Whole new set of Monsters and Adventure cards
  • New Minions
  • 12 New Classes
  • New Market Cards
  • New Familiar Boards that give each player a unique Attribute Action.
  • Fiend cards that give the players new obstacles to overcome.
  • Split dice that go between 1-4 and are two colors:

Man vs. Meeple Preview!


There's also an optional version that includes a Big Box to store the base game, Monsters & Minions, and Fiends & Familiars!

- Till next time!


Cartogrophers: A Roll Player Tale - A Fantasy Map-Making Game - Preorders LIVE (Includes free MINI-EXPANSION)
over 5 years ago – Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 12:33:09 AM

Hey Roll Player fans,

I wanted to give a quick head's up that my next game in the Roll Player universe is coming out this summer, and I'm taking preorders on my website.  It's a stand-alone title called Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale.  It plays any number of players, and takes 30-45 mins to play.

This is the first title I've done outside of Kickstarter, so it's a bit of an experiment for me. I'd love it if you take a second to check it out. 


Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale - Releasing Aug of 2019. Now taking Preorders
Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale - Releasing Aug of 2019. Now taking Preorders

Queen Gimnax has ordered the reclamation of the northern lands. As a cartographer in her service, you are sent to map this territory, claiming it for the Kingdom of Nalos. Through official edicts, the queen announces which lands she prizes most, and you will increase your reputation by meeting her demands. But you are not alone in this wilderness. The Dragul contest your claims with their outposts, so you must draw your lines carefully to reduce their influence. Reclaim the greatest share of the queen’s desired lands and you will be declared the greatest cartographer in the kingdom.

In Cartographers, players compete to earn the most reputation stars by the time four seasons have passed. Each season, players draw on their map sheets and earn reputation by carrying out the queen's edicts before the season is over. The player with the most reputation stars at the end of winter wins!

 Read the full rulebook here to find out more.

The target release date is August 2019. 

There are options for shipped copies, or for free pickup at Gen Con 2019 at the Thunderworks booth. That being said, this title will make it's way to the standard distribution channel worldwide upon release.

Game in-play
Game in-play


If you preorder from the Thunderworks website, you will also receive a cool mini-expansion (1 rule card+8 Skill cards) for Cartographers called the Skill Expansion.

Skills Mini-Expansion for Cartographers
Skills Mini-Expansion for Cartographers

Anyway, I hope you're all doing well. As always, if you have any questions feel free to reach out. Also, keep an eye out for the latest expansion for Roll Player later this year!

The second Roll Player expansion - Fiends & Familiars. Coming to KS May of 2019.
The second Roll Player expansion - Fiends & Familiars. Coming to KS May of 2019.

Till next time.


New KS Project from Keith Matejka and Eduardo Baraf - Skulk Hollow
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 12:10:21 AM

Hey Roll Player Team,

Happy Halloween!  I hope you've vanquishing demons this week. :)

I wanted to drop a quick notice that there is a new game I designed on Kickstarter. I teamed up with Eduardo Baraf of Pencil First games to bring you Skulk Hollow. It's funded and knocking down stretch goals currently. We've been working on this project for a few years at this point. Ed came to me with the idea, and asked if I'd be interested in doing the design work. Ed's a good friend, and the project seemed really cool, so I jumped onboard.

So, if you like my designs, and would be interested in a 2-player asymmetric game, I invite you to check out Skulk Hollow. Some Previewers/Reviewers are citing it as my best design to date. Wowza. :)

Skulk Hollow is a 2-player, asymmetric, tactical combat game where players take the roles of either a band of Foxen heroes or a towering behemoth of a Guardian.

  • One vs Many Asymmetric Combat creates a fresh, fun, 2-player experience. 
  •  Action takes place on the Board AND the Guardian. Not only does the battle occur on the Kingdom board, but the foxes must traverse full size, Guardian gameboards. Each guardian has unique routes and abilities to stop the foxen. 
  • Dual Purpose Cards give players a wide range of movement and ability powers while keeping them quick to pick and easy to play. 
  •  Unique Foxen Nobles and Guardians creates a range of tactics and dynamics, adding depth and strategy that makes each game a new challenge.







Also, I wanted to mention that the Lockup Pledge Manager is live. If you were looking for some Roll Player accessories, you can find them here as well.

Till Next Time.
