
ROLL PLAYER - Monsters & Minions Expansion (+ Reprint)

Created by Keith Matejka

Roll Player: Monsters & Minions is an exciting new expansion to the critically acclaimed Roll Player -- the dice game that builds character!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Race Voting Open! .. French Rulebook
about 7 years ago – Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 08:00:57 PM

Hey Backers,

I usually wait until the end of the day to update, but I wanted to get something quick out to you as I'm opening up the voting for the added race board.

Race Board Voting

We just passed the $290k mark and Race voting is open for the 21st (!!!!) stretch goal.


I left the email requirement off for people who aren't gmail users.  Please vote once.

French Rulebook

One of our awesome backers, Julien DUBOTS, completed a French version of the rulebook.  You can check that out here.

Till next time.


Less Than 24 Hours to Go ... Now Canada-Friendly Shipping...
about 7 years ago – Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 08:00:38 PM

Hey Backers,

We're less than 24 hours from wrapping up this campaign.  It's been exciting for me to see so much amazing support for Thunderworks Games and this great game.  I can't thank you enough.  You're awesome. :)

Canada-Friendly Shipping

Big news for our Canadian backers.  We secured an additional fulfillment partner that is going to help us get the games to you from within the country, so you won't need to pay additional duty/VAT upon delivery.   Huzzah!  

$350k Stretch Goal

The $350k stretch goal has been revealed.  It's a player start token.  In the base game or Roll Player, players are instructed to keep track of who is the start player by having that player hold onto the dice bag.  This works a lot of the time, but sometime players just instinctively pass the bag after rolling and then, when it's time to figure out who's turn it is, it's not clear.  So, I think it's a good idea to add a player start token.  It'll be made out of wood, and sculpted in the silhouette of the red knight from the front of the base game box and be roughly 1.75"-2" tall.

See you on the KS stream around 3pm CST tomorrow. :)

 Till next time.


Last 48 Hours ... Passing $300k ... Minions revealed... KS Live Stream
about 7 years ago – Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 08:00:35 PM

Hey Backers.

We've hit the last 48 hour mark.  It's been a wild ride.  Let's see how far it goes.  Please share the project anywhere you can.  I appreciate all the help so far getting the word out.  This is the final push.

Race Character Sheet Voting

Voting is underway for the next Race Character Sheet.  Mechanical Construct/Automaton is in the lead.  Once we hit $310k, voting will be closed. 

Upcoming Stretch Goals

The next stretch goal has been revealed.  Two more minion cards.  Here they are:

 KS Live Stream

So, Kickstarter has a newer feature that allows creators to stream content on the KS page.  I thought it might be cool to do a stream over the last few hours of the campaign on Thursday.  I'm no experienced streamer, but I thought it might be helpful to answer any last minute questions and it would be fun to watch the clock tick down together.

Till next time.


Final Hours ... $340k Minion Revealed ... Coin Render ... Stretch Goals Recap
about 7 years ago – Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 07:59:49 PM

Hey Backers,

We're closing in on the last few hours of the campaign.  I adjusted the target for the next stretch goal.

340k - Upcoming Stretch Goal -- Giant Rat Minion

 $350k -- Wooden Start Player Token

 Metal Coin Render

I had an artist friend of mine do a quick render of what the metal coins could end up being like.  Don't forget to increase your pledge by $20 to add these to your pledge!

 Stretch Goal Recap

Here's a quick recap of all the awesome stretch goals you've helped unlock.  Impressive!


I'll start streaming to answer any last minute questions in about 3 hours.  It's been a wild ride and I can't thank you enough for all the support.

Till next time.


And we're done... for now.
about 7 years ago – Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 07:57:04 PM

Hey Backers,

The campaign is over.  Thanks to everyone who participated in the livestream.  I had never done one of those before.  I had a great time and I hope you did too.  

Oh, and we knocked down the final Stretch Goal for the 1st player token.  WOOT!  

For now, I'm going to take some time to regroup.

Update Schedule

Moving forward, you can expect an update from me every 2-3 weeks.  Even if there's not much to say, I'll still be sure to drop a line.  In the meantime, if you ever have questions, feel free to PM me.  I'd like to think I'm pretty responsive.

Next Steps

  • There's a lot to get in order, but the highest priority is locking down the final specs for all the non-printed components.  They take the longest to produce.  The translucent dice.  The metal coins.  The final XP cubes, etc..   
  • Also expect the survey to come out in two weeks after the money has been transferred from KS to me.  FYI - If your CC fails be sure to resolve it in the next two weeks, or your pledge will be cancelled.
  • I'll be working with the team to get the pledge manager up and running.


I couldn't be doing these projects without the help of a lot of talented people.  I want to make sure they get the recognition they deserve.

  • John Ariosa - The illustrator of the base game of Roll Player and all the Characters, Monsters and the cover of M&M.  He's amazing to work with and very talented.
  • Lucas Ribeiro - The illustrator of many Market cards and all the Minions in this expansion.  He's great.
  • Luis Francisco - The graphic designer on all my games.  He's a friend and talented dude.  He also puts up with all my last minute changes.
  • Kirk Dennison - A good friend and an even better problem solver.  He came in at the end of the project and answered a lot of backer questions when I didn't have the bandwidth to handle them.  He's been a great sounding board for ideas, and is way smarter than me.  This campaign would not have been nearly as well run as it was without him.
  • My Family - My wife and son who put up with all the late nights and playtest sessions over the last 5 years.  The support has been amazing. 
  • The Playtesters - This game wouldn't be the same without the honest/brutal feedback from so many playtesters over the life of this product.  You've helped make this a great game and should be proud of the work you've done. 
  • The Fans and backers - Your confidence in me and the love for this game is overwhelming.  All the shares.  All the likes.  All the comments.  All the messages.  All the votes.  All the suggestions.  YOU'RE AWESOME. 

Till next time.
