
ROLL PLAYER - Monsters & Minions Expansion (+ Reprint)

Created by Keith Matejka

Roll Player: Monsters & Minions is an exciting new expansion to the critically acclaimed Roll Player -- the dice game that builds character!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Preproduction Proof Copy in Hand... and More!
about 7 years ago – Thu, Sep 07, 2017 at 01:48:07 AM

Hey backers,

Apologies for being a week behind schedule on the update here. Last minute family vacation gummed up my communication a little. But, things are moving ahead on all fronts. Overall, we're on schedule. Here's the latest!


  • Panda's prepress team has approved all the files for RP:M&M.
  • Panda created the digital proof copy. This is a digital layout of all the cards, boards, and box pieces. I evaluated and approved these to move forward on the printing of the PPC.
  • I've received the PPC (Preproduction Press Copy) from Panda (minus the dice) and have approved it (see images below).
  • I received the Start Player token that I shared a picture of last time (see video below).
  • I received updated metal coin samples and approved them to begin making molds, which takes about a month to complete (see images below).

There are a few items outstanding before we move into full production:

  • Final Boost Dice samples - ETA --> 9/11
  • Final Combat Dice samples -  ETA --> 9/11
  • Final Coin Samples - ETA --> 9/30

PPC (Preproduction Press Copy)

Here are some pictures from the PCC that I thought would be fun to share.

The Box!
The Box!


Race Character Sheets - Female
Race Character Sheets - Female


Race Character Sheets - Male
Race Character Sheets - Male


 Start Player Token!

Metal Coin Samples - V2!
Metal Coin Samples - V2!

Metal Coins - These are the updated coin samples. They have the ring added around the outside. The 1-value coin is now smaller. The next version will be made from molds based on these. Expected changes -> The back on the 1-value coin will be smoothed out on the lowest surface, as right now it's smooth in the very center, but gets rough as it goes out to the ring. These are thicker than the final coins. The metal color will be different between the 2 coins and they will have the dark wash on them like these:

Black Wash Example
Black Wash Example

Monsters & Minions Deluxe Print and Play

A couple weeks ago, I sent though the PnP files for the Expansion. So, if you're looking for that, it should be in your Kickstarter mail inbox. If you run into any issues, let me know.

Pledge Manager

I've decided to leave the pledge manager open for pledges through the end of September. The last day to make final updates to your order is 9/30. After this date, I will lock your reward selections and charge cards for add-on item purchases, pledge upgrades, and pre-orders. You can update your shipping address up until we lock addresses for shipping. If you want to review/edit your pledge -->


GENCON - I had a great gencon last month. Among other things, I demo'ed Roll Player over 11 times over the 4-day convention. Quite a few backers stopped by and said hello. So, that was awesome. :)

On the Road to Gen Con (Designer Kane Klenko behind the wheel)
On the Road to Gen Con (Designer Kane Klenko behind the wheel)

GRAND CON -  The next convention I'm attending will be Grand Con in Michigan (US). If you're at the show, stop by the Thunderworks booth and say hi!

Roll Player Fan Facebook Page

A fan of Roll Player named Robert Vache recently started a new Facebook group for fans of the game. I'm sure he'd appreciate you stopping by and jumping in on conversations about the game there. -- LINK

Upcoming Projects

I have quite a few projects in the pipeline at this point.  These two are the next ones coming. Neither are published by me, but you'll see more from Thunderworks down the road. I have big plans. :)

Sunset Over Water - Edo at Pencil First Games is putting a new project on Kickstarter in the next few months called Sunset Over Water. It's a light game for 1-4 players designed by Steve Finn (Biblios), art is from Beth Sobel (Herbaceous), and I designed the single player version of the game. It's a beautiful game about painting landscapes. Here's the link to the BGG page for more info. Keep an eye out for that.

Sample Sunset Over Water card
Sample Sunset Over Water card

Skulk Hollow

Over Gencon, Edo at Pencil First Games announced another project he's publishing. This one, I designed! Skulk Hollow is a 30-45 minute 2-player asymmetrical game of combat where one player plays as a large beast/monster, and the other plays as a band of foxen heroes trying to climb and defeat the beast. Think Shadows of the Colossus, the board game. The Kickstarter for that will likely be next year, but it's starting to look really good! Dustin Foust is on art.  Here's the link to the BGG page for more info.


Various WIP assets for Skulk Hollow
Various WIP assets for Skulk Hollow

Till next time!


Pledge Manager ... Production Samples ... Moving into Production
about 7 years ago – Tue, Aug 08, 2017 at 12:09:36 AM

Hey backers!

We enter the beginning of August, and things are moving along quite nicely.


The pledge manager on Backerkit is live.  Most folks have confirmed and updated their pledges there. Many thanks to those who have taken care of that. There are about 300 backers who still need to jump in there and confirm their pledge. If you haven't gotten around to that yet, please do. If you don't have your link (check you email spam folder?), you can always log in using this one - LINK

I'll be locking pledges in September (and charging CC's for added items) so I can finalize fulfillment/shipping plans. You'll still be able to update addresses after your pledge is locked. Addresses will be locked down right before shipping. I'll be sure to warn folks when that's about to happen.

If you have any questions/issues with this, feel free to send me a PM and I'll help get you sorted.

One side effect of deciding to use Backerkit after the KS surveys were sent out, is that backers were asked to fill out the survey 2x (once on KS and once on Backerkit). I apologize for that. In retrospect I wouldn't have asked for the initial survey if I knew we'd end up on Backerkit. Thanks for accommodating the need for the second survey.


We've made some significant progress on setting up manufacturing at Panda. 

  • The final quotes for both the base game reprint and the expansion print have both been signed and submitted to the factory.
  • The final graphic design is complete, and the final files have been submitted to the manufacturer for review.  
  • At this point, the files are going through Panda's prepress team to make sure all the files are set up as required. I hope to have final approval on these by the end of the week.
  • I hope to have the preproduction proof copy (PPC) of the expansion within the next 2-3 weeks. Once that is complete, we officially move into the Production stage of printing.
  • Panda provided samples of most of the non-printed materials (see images below).

Metal Coins

I received samples of the metal coins last week. They need some adjustments, but I thought it would be fun to share the WIP versions of them. I should have updated versions next week.

1. These do not have the raised ring around the outside that will help make sure they'll be easy to stack. That detail will be included in the next revision.

2. They're currently too similar in size. We're going to make the 1-value coin 4mm smaller in diameter so that the 1 and the 3 are more easily recognizable when not next to each other.  

3. These are not in the final metal colors. These are in a special metal that will be used to make the mold. Once the molds are complete, we can use whatever colored metals we want.  

4. These do not include the black wash that helps the details pop and give them a more aged look.

WIP Metal Coins
WIP Metal Coins

 XP Cubes

These are the samples of the XP cubes I've received from Panda. They created both opaque and translucent samples (though I only asked for transparent) just to be sure I was happy with the look. The transparent ones have been approved and will appear in the Preproduction Proof Copy (PPC) I mentioned above.

XP Cubes (disregard the opaque ones)
XP Cubes (disregard the opaque ones)


Other Outstanding Non-Printed Components

I'm still waiting for samples of the combat dice, and the Boost dice from Panda. They're on track to come in with the PPC.

First Player Token

Panda just sent me this image of the 1st player token. The was the final stretch goal we reached during the campaign.  It doesn't reflect that on the KS page, unfortunately. Once the KS is complete the creator cannot edit it. I had planned to update that before the last few minutes of the campaign, but I was too busy with the livestream in the last couple hours that I forgot. :(

First Player Token
First Player Token

Monsters & Minions Deluxe Print and Play

Luis wrapped the graphic design for the expansion in the last week. He's now moving onto the files for the deluxe print and play version of the expansion. I know this was scheduled for delivery at the end of July (for pledge levels that included this), but the final files for print took a little longer to complete than expected. The plan is now to deliver this mid-Aug. This delay will not affect the delivery timeline for the boxed games, so no worries there.

Cursed Ring Promo Card

During the campaign a few people asked about the Cursed Ring promo card. I had originally printed this for the Man vs Meeple and Dice Tower Kickstarter/Indiegogo campaigns last year and this Spring. I had a few hundred left over and they just popped up in the BGG Store here. There aren't a ton left, so grab one, if you're interested. I will be printing more, so if they're sold out by the time you attempt to grab it, it should be available again in the Fall.

Gen Con & Grand Con

I'm trying to hit up a few more conventions this year than I have in the past. I'll be at Gen Con in Indianapolis IN later this month (conducting demos of some other upcoming Thunderworks Games) and Grand Con in Grand Rapids MI with a booth. If you're at either con and see me, please stop and say hello. :)

Till next time.


Rulebook Review ... Pledge Manager
about 7 years ago – Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 01:25:04 AM

Hey Backers,

Quick update.


Luis just wrapped up putting most of the finishing touches on the rulebook for Roll Player: Monsters & Minions.The XP cube image and the combat dice image still need updating, but otherwise, we're in a good spot. I was hoping to crowd source one last editing review of this thing before we put it to bed. I'm looking for consistency, grammar, and spelling issues, predominantly, but I'm open to all feedback. Take a look and send me any notes you might have ([email protected]). Use email title: RP:MM Rulebook


Pledge Manager 

There's been a bit of a change of plans on the pledge manager front. The custom pledge manager just wasn't coming together as quickly as I had hoped and decided to pivot and use Backerkit for the pledge manager. It's a mature / proven platform and I've used it before with previous projects. This change may delay the invites to the pledge manager a couple days, but it'll be open this week, for sure.  

Till next time.


An Award Winning Game... And a bunch of other stuff.
about 7 years ago – Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 12:11:51 AM

Hey Backers,

It's been a couple weeks since I touched base, so I wanted to give a quick update as to where we're at.  There's a lot going on.  :)

Monsters & Minions Expansion Preproduction

Most importantly, what's going on with the expansion?

  • All illustrations are complete.
  • Luis (graphic designer) is polishing up my basic simple graphic design work on all the game elements -- 170 cards, boards, rulebook, box top, box bottom,etc  He's hoping to have that wrapped by the end of next week.
  • Rulebook updates are complete.  With all the stretch goals unlocked, a few things in the rulebook required tweaking to bring it up to speed.  When this is near final with graphic design, I'll be sure to share.  As many times as my editors and I read these things through, there's always a chance something is missed, and I'd love your help with that.
  • I've been going back and forth with Panda, our manufacturer, to lock down the final printing quantities and costs.  We should have that solidified within the week.
  • Panda is working on samples for approval for the custom coins, the combat dice, the boost dice, and the start player marker.  Those should come in within the next week or so.  I'll be sure to share, when I can.

Pledge Manager

Kirk and his team have been feverishly putting together the custom pledge manager for us.  It's taking a little longer than anticipated to get it where we need it, but that won't affect the production schedule.  It's currently looking like it will go live on 7/24.  Once that's up, you'll be able to adjust your pledge level, update your address, and add items to your pledge (like the Frogkin board, or the metal coins).  Stay tuned on that.

Custom Wooden Insert - Meeple Realty

I'm moving forward with Meeple Realty to create an after-market custom wooden insert for Roll Player plus the expansion.  It's been a fun seeing their design process and how quickly they iterate.  I personally really like their products, so I'm excited to see how this shapes up.  When there are some near-final images to share, I'll be sure to.  You'll be able to add this to the pledge manager for US backers when that's live or you can always pick it up directly from the Meeple Realty website, if you're into these kinds of things. :)

2-Shipment Pledges

The copies of the base game came in a week or so ago, and my friends and family helped me get copies out to all the 389 backers who pledged to the $109 level over the 4th of July weekend.  I hope folks are enjoying their game. 

That's a lot of boxes.
That's a lot of boxes.

Print & Play - Base Game

On June 28th, I sent out the files for the Deluxe Print and Play for the base game.  If you're pledge level included that, the link to it is in your KS messages.  The Expansion Deluxe PnP will be available once all the files are approved at Panda.  That will likely be in early Aug, or mid Aug.  So, keep an eye out for that.

Dice Tower Award

Last week, Roll Player was awarded the Best Game from a Small Publisher from the Dice Tower at Dice Tower Con in FL.  WOW!  I was pretty surprised to see I won.  I'm feeling very honored to have been picked.  Here's a link to the YouTube video cued up to that section if you want to take a look -- LINK.

Chicken Dinner!
Chicken Dinner!


Gen Con

The largest gaming convention in the US is coming up next month in Indianapolis, Indiana -- Gen Con.  I'll be there demoing games and hanging out (no booth).  If you're be there and see a dude wandering around with a Thunderworks Games shirt on, that's probably me.  Stop me and say hi!

What I'm Backing

I'm a huge fan of Kickstarter and I love the community around it.  I recently backed one that I wanted to share.  Eduardo Baraf is another indie board game publisher (like me) that is very active in the board game community and on Kickstarter.  I worked with him on a game called Herbaceous last year (I designed the solo mode), and he has a new project on Kickstarter that looks really good called Legendary Creatures.  I thought you might be interested in checking it out.


So, again, I wouldn't be here without your support.  I can't thank you enough for putting your trust and financial backing behind me and my games.

Till next time.


Backer Surveys... Pledge Manager... Construct Artwork
about 7 years ago – Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 01:25:42 PM

Hey Backers,

I hope you had a good weekend.  Time for an update on the latest news.

KS Surveys

Earlier today, I sent out surveys to collect details on your pledges.  Please be sure to respond to that.  It helps us get a rough idea on how many copies to print, so it's pretty important.  There are about 1,600 folks who still need to fill that out.  So, please do so at your earliest convenience.  Indicate how you want the money you've already pledged allocated.  If you want to add stuff that wasn't part of your KS pledge, you'll have an opportunity to do that in the pledge manager once that's live ...

Pledge Manager

We're hard at work on setting up the pledge manager, so you can add additional items to your pledge if you wish.  We hope to have that up and running in the next couple weeks.  So, please be patient with us on that.  Once it's live, that's where you'll manage your order and your mailing address, if you need to change it.

In addition to the metal coins, Frogkin, and extra copy add-on options, we're looking to add a few more items there too -- some additional TWG titles and we're hoping to have a custom wooden insert from Meeple Realty available as well.  No promises, but we're hopeful.

Manufacturing Plans

Our manufacturer, Panda GM, is working on some samples for the custom metal coins.  Hopefully we have those in the next week or so.  As soon as we have them and we're happy with them, I'll be sure to share.  Panda is also working on final quotes for the print run, now that we have the final specs for the expansion.  Until the funds are released from KS (6/30), we can't move into full preproduction, as the manufacturer requires 50% payment up front, but we're moving forward on all fronts we can in the meantime.

Construct Artwork

John Ariosa finished up the artwork for the Construct race that you and your fellow backers elected for the 5th character sheet.  With this, all illustrations are complete.  There is still some graphic design to polish before files are submitted to the manufacturer, but we're getting closer.  Check it out.


Till next time.
