
ROLL PLAYER - Monsters & Minions Expansion (+ Reprint)

Created by Keith Matejka

Roll Player: Monsters & Minions is an exciting new expansion to the critically acclaimed Roll Player -- the dice game that builds character!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy Holidays
over 6 years ago – Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 12:25:50 AM

Hey Team,

Update time! I don't have a ton of news, but I think it's important to touch base on a regular basis.

Production Updates

Base Game

Panda reprinted the cards for the base game. I received them and they look good, so I went ahead and approved those. So, the base game is in final assembly. They are scheduled to be complete by Jan 1.


I'm scheduled to receive the Manufactured Proof Copy (MPC) on Dec 25th. Once that's approved, we're in full assembly mode. 


We have final estimates from Quartermaster, our fulfillment company for this project. Expect to need to lock down shipping addresses once all the games are on the water and on their way to their destination ports. So, likely late Jan. I'll be sure to send out more reminders about this as we get closer to the cut off.

Upcoming Conventions

There are quite a few gaming conventions coming up that I'll be at. If you will be there, stop by and say hi. :)

PAX South (Jan 12-14) in San Antonio TX

I'll be at PAX South with Edo Baraf demoing an upcoming game I've designed that Edo is publishing as Pencil First Games called Skulk Hollow. It's one of 7 tabletop games to be featured in the Tabletop Indie Showcase at the show (which is primarily video games).

Banner for the show with some great artwork from Dustin Foust
Banner for the show with some great artwork from Dustin Foust


Sample Prototype meeples for Skulk Hollow
Sample Prototype meeples for Skulk Hollow


Polar Vortex Game Convention (Jan 26-28) in Glen Ellyn, IL

Con on the North (Feb 16-18) in Minneapolis, MN


Lastly, I want to wish you, your friends, and your families a happy holidays. Thanks for going on this journey with me. Thanks for your trust in me and enthusiasm for these games. Also, thanks for being awesome.  :)

Till next time.


Base Game MPC Received... Expansion MPC Incoming...
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Dec 01, 2017 at 12:40:31 AM

Hey Team,

Regular 3-week update incoming!

Production Updates

Base Game

I received the Manufactured Proof Copy (MPC) of the Roll Player base game in the mail a few days ago. After reprinting the cards so that all the backs matched color-wise within the deck, Panda sent me the first manufactured copy of the base game. Though the color matching was great within the deck, the color matching to the previous printings was significantly darker, so Panda is reprinting the cards once again. :(  

They plan on sending me the sample of the reprinted cards this week. Assuming those look good, they will start assembling those and get them ready for shipping.

3rd Printing on the Left. 4th Printing on the Right.
3rd Printing on the Left. 4th Printing on the Right.

It's not great news, but it ensures that no matter which printing of the base game you have, the expansion card backs will match.


Panda is still working on the MPC for the expansion.  I should have a solid date as to when I should expect that later this week.


We've locked in a fulfillment company for your games.  We're finalizing the paperwork on that agreement so everything will be in place for shipping of the games to various ports across the globe well before the games are ready at the manufacturer.

Delivery Date

We're going to be backing up against that estimated Feb delivery date. I'm still hopeful we'll hit it, but at the pace Panda has been able to deliver so far, I'm starting to lose confidence in it. It may be March before you get your hands on your copy. I'm not ready to make the official call yet, but I wanted to let you know the date is at risk. I'm doing all I can to expedite the process, but much of the printing / ocean freight / customs clearance timelines are out of my direct control. I know it's not uncommon that KS projects deliver later than promised, but I try as hard as can to make sure my projects don't fall into that category. The least I can do is make sure that if that does happen, you're not surprised. Thanks for understanding.

Till next time.


All Components Approved... Full Production and Assembly.
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 12:01:17 AM

Hey Backers,  

It's been 3-weeks already? Wowza. Here's the latest.

Things are moving along. We're in full production at this point, as all non-printed components have been approved. WOOT!  We're still on schedule for a Feb arrival to your doorstep.


Base Game

  • The base game copies were about to be assembled, but there was some inconsistent colors on some of the card backs. After I saw pictures, I found the amount of variation unacceptable. So, Panda is reprinting the cards to make sure they match throughout the deck of Market cards, and that they match the previous printings. This will not affect our delivery times, but I wanted to let you know.
  • Assembly should begin in 1-2 weeks.

Monsters & Minions Expansion

  • The samples for the updated combat dice came in with the adjusted colors, and have been approved (image below).
  • Two different samples for the boost dice came in. I made a choice between them, and they have been approved (image below).  
  • The only wood component in the game is the Start Player token. Manufacturing on this piece is complete.
  • The XP cube manufacturing is complete.

Metal Coins

  • I finally got my hands on a final set of these. They look and feel awesome. :)  Manufacturing on these is complete as well (image below).
Revised Combat Dice
Revised Combat Dice


Revised Boost Dice
Revised Boost Dice


Final Metal Coins
Final Metal Coins

Next Steps

At this point in the process, much of the work is in the hands of our partners.  

  • Panda will create a Manufactured Proof Copy (MPC). Once I approve that, the final assembly begins. (3-5 weeks)
  • In the meantime, I'm working to finalize the shipping plan with Panda and our fulfillment partners.
  • The games will be transported on cargo ships for 4-6 weeks to their destinations.
  • It can take a few weeks to get through the ports and customs at the destination countries and get trucked to our fulfillment partners.
  • Fulfillment begins and backers start to receive games.

Convention News

Last weekend, I attended GameHole Con here in Madison WI. It was a great time. I got to demo the game to many folks. The best part of the show was whenever I was doing a demo, almost every time, a fan of the game walk up and say "This game is awesome!" and walk away. It made me laugh and it reminded me how much of the success I've had is due to the passion of gamers and the fact that this little game has been enjoyed by so many. So, again, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who supported this Kickstarter or any of my previous Kickstarter projects.  Especially those who help spread the word about the game. It's very appreciated.

Till next time!


Back Catalog Items Shipped ... Coins in production
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 12:12:52 AM

Hey Backers,

Regular 3-week update incoming!

Backerkit Orders Locked Down

As mentioned in the last update, I locked down the Backerkit (pledge manager) orders and folks were charged any outstanding balances. There are a few failed CC's out there, and a few incomplete surveys, so if you've received emails from Backerkit highlighting errors, please get those resolved.

Back Catalog Items Shipped  

In the pledge manager, there were a few items available for purchase from previous printruns/Kickstarters that I still had in inventory (in my garage) -- Game: Bullfrogs, Game: Blend Off!, and Game Expansion: Bullfrogs Solitaire Variant. 

It was quicker and more affordable for me to just mail those directly, where the new printings of the Roll Player base game, the M&M Expansion, the metal coins, the custom wooden insert, and the Frogkin punchboard will all be sent through a fulfillment company when the full printrun is complete.

The Back Catalog items have all been mailed at this point. So, if you're expecting one or more of those as part of your order, you should have it within the next couple weeks.  I was happy to reclaim my kitchen and some of my garage. :)

Sending out the last of the Bullfrogs Solitaire Variants.
Sending out the last of the Bullfrogs Solitaire Variants.


Metal Coin Update 

I've received images from Panda of the final metal coins. These are officially in production.

1-Value Coins
1-Value Coins


3-Value Coins
3-Value Coins

 Other Updates / Outstanding issues

  • BASE GAME MANUFACTURING - The order for the base games is underway and is entering assembly at Panda.
  • EXPANSION DICE SAMPLES - Due to a week+ long holiday in China plus some internal delays at the dice manufacturer, I still don't have the updated dice samples yet. The latest ETA is 10/31. Panda has confirmed that we're still on schedule for the Feb release. Needless to say, I was anticipating having the final samples approved at this point and am a little frustrated with the pace at which I've been receiving sample updates. I'm doing all I can to push to get these ASAP.


There have been quite a few awesome projects on KS lately. I thought I'd mention some of the ones that I'm backing.

End of the Trail - Find fortune in the California Gold Rush - I love the Old West theme on this one. It's got multi-use cards, which is one of my favorite mechanics.  Glory to Rome is my all-time favorite card game, and this game has an interesting twist on it, where each card in-hand contributes to a final poker-style hand.


Near and Far: Amber Mines  - Another amazing looking game from Ryan Laukat.  This is an expansion to Near and Far, which I really enjoy. It's a great melding of Euro-style mechanics and a narrative "Choose Your Own Adventure" style game. 

Detective: City of Angels  - Another story-driven game with a great 1940's hard-boiled detective theme.This is a 1 vs many style game with some "Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective" style elements (on of my favorite games). AJ over at Van Ryder games always does a great job, so I'm all in on this one.


Till next time.


Pledge Manager Closing... Work in Progress Dice Samples
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 12:30:26 AM

Hey Backers,

I hope all is well.  Time for a KS update!

Pledge Manager Closing

I wanted to let you know that the pledge manager for Roll Player: Monsters & Minions will be closing in the next 36 hours or so.  If you have any last minute additions or updates, now is the time to do them.  After the pledge manager is closed, you will still be able to update your mailing address until we're just about to ship.  I'll let you know when that is happening.  If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send me a message.  I try to get back to people within 12 hours.


FYI, this only affects folks who pledged to get boxed games or coins.  Retailer pledge level backers don't need to worry about this, and PnP-only backers already have their rewards.


Production is moving forward.  Panda is manufacturing the additional base game copies currently.  As for the expansion, we were awaiting samples of the combat dice and the boost dice before moving into full production on all items.  Some pieces have started the manufacturing process, but a few items are outstanding.

  • The mold is complete for the boost dice.
  • I received the dice samples of both the combat dice and the boost dice.
  • I've requested new samples of the combat dice to adjust the colors.  They're too orangey-brown for my liking.  The goal is to push these closer to red mixed with yellow.  Also, I decided to change the pip color to white to increase read-ability.  These should be in my hands by this time next week.
  • I've requested new samples of the boost dice to adjust the transparency.  They're much more cloudy than that I was hoping for.
Work in Progress Dice Samples
Work in Progress Dice Samples

Outstanding issues

  • I'm still awaiting final coin samples.  The ETA on those are 9/30.
  • I'm awaiting updated dice samples.  Hoping to get these by 10/6.

Overall, we're still on schedule for the FEB delivery, as planned.

Till next time!
