
ROLL PLAYER - Monsters & Minions Expansion (+ Reprint)

Created by Keith Matejka

Roll Player: Monsters & Minions is an exciting new expansion to the critically acclaimed Roll Player -- the dice game that builds character!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Custom Metal Coins Add On!
about 7 years ago – Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 12:04:22 PM

Hey Backers,

Some folks have been asking for custom metal coins for Roll Player.  So, let's do it.  

  • A set of coins includes 60 coins.  45 1-value coins and 15 3-value coins.
  • The 1-value coin is roughly the diameter and thickness of a US Quarter. The 3-value coin is 2mm larger in diameter with the same thickness.
  • The coins will be made from zinc and nickel.
  • To add a set of coins to your pledge, add $20 to your pledge amount.  There is no additional shipping cost if this is added to a pledge that receives a boxed game.
  • Up to 6 sets of coins can be added to any pledge level of $39 or more.
  • If you've pledged at the "Two-Shipment" level, your coins will ship with the Monsters & Minions expansion in Feb.
  • There is a new "coins only" pledge level.  If you pledge to get a set of coins without a boxed game, an additional shipping charge will be added for backers outside of the US.
  • The number of coins included in the set covers both the base game and the expansion.
  • There is no plan to sell these coin sets into regular distribution.
  • It will be possible to add a coin set to your pledge after the Kickstarter campaign in the pledge manager.
  • At some point after the Kickstarter campaign, the coin sets will be available for purchase (or preorder) on the Thunderworks Games website for $25 (+ shipping).

John Ariosa finished the illustration for the 3-value coin, but I don't have a 3D mock up of what they'll look like yet.  Once that's available, I'll be sure to share.  In the meantime, here's the plan:

 The final coins look will be something like this:


Till next time!


1 Week Left... Custom Combat Dice Unlocked... Hero Tome... Race Illustrations...
about 7 years ago – Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 12:31:55 PM

Hey Backers,

We're have just over a week left and we're looking good.

I wanted to say thanks for all the half-demon race name suggestions and all the additional proofreading on the Backstory cards from the last update.  They're all fixed up on my side.  I don't think I'll ever misspell "separated" again! :)

Stretch Goal Updates

$250k -- Fancy Custom Combat Dice -- UNLOCKED!

$260k -- The Ooze Minion card is up next.  Check update #9 for an image of that.

$275k -- Hero Tome appears on the Stretch Goal list

Hero Tome

This is a pad of tear away paper that allows players to record their character after the game is over!  In Roll Player, people spend a lot of time making characters and then end up putting it back in the box.  I often get the comment "I want to do something with my character" after their game, which is where a lot of the ideas for this expansion originated.  Now with the Hero Tome, you can fight a monster and record all the details about the character and the fight!

102mm x 153mm (4in x 6in) / 50 Pages
102mm x 153mm (4in x 6in) / 50 Pages

 Race Illustrations

Again, John has been busy knocking out the Race illustrations for the half-demon race.  A lot of great suggestions for the name came through.  I'm currently thinking to go with Tally Callahan's suggestion of Wrathborn.  Check it out!

Illustrated by John Ariosa
Illustrated by John Ariosa

Translated Rulebooks 

I've had a few people step up and ask to translate the rulebook for the Monsters & Minions expansion.  There's an early version of the German version on the KS page.  There's a Spanish version as well as a French version in progress.  I'm hoping those come in before the end of the campaign.

If you are interested in doing a translation into another language, please send me an message and we'll work out the details.  (German, Dutch, Spanish and French are accounted for).

Mention on the Dice Tower's Board Game Breakfast

The game's been getting some good press around the inter-webs this week.  I was stoked to see Suzanne mention it on the Board Game Breakfast this week in the Kickstarter section.  Check it out, if you haven't already.  This is my favorite Dice Tower show.  Lots of good stuff. LINK

Till next time.


Hero Tome Unlocked - New Minions Revealed - Spanish Rulebook
about 7 years ago – Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 12:31:40 PM

Hey Backers,

Stretch Goals

I hope everyone's having a good weekend.  I just wanted to drop a quick note.  We just passed $275k and unlocked the Hero Tome notepad for your character recording fun.  The next stretch goal is at $290k for two new minion cards.  Check 'em out!

Illustrated by Lucas Ribeiro
Illustrated by Lucas Ribeiro


And past that, we're looking at a new Race character sheet!  Some of the races that just didn't make the last two rounds will be included in the voting for this one.  Fae / Pixie / Faerie, Merfolk, Giant / Goliath, Minotaur, Aven / Birdkin / Ravenkin, and Werekin / Lycanthrope / Werewolf.  Have others you'd really like to see on the ballot? Go ahead and comment on this update!  We'll start voting when we hit $290k.

Spanish Rulebook

One of your fellow amazing backers, Sergio Tirado, provided a Spanish translation of the rulebook.  There's a link to it on the KS page, or you can check it out here

Local Demos 

If you're near Madison, WI, I'll be doing demos on Sunday 6/11 from 1pm-5pm over at I'm Board Games & Family Fun in Middleton.  Stop by and say hi!

Till next time.
